Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Creep is holding me back..

So, I go to the gym to do my "thang", but I can't do every"thang" I want because there is this old man creep that CREEPS me out! He is handicapped due to a motorcycle accident (I heard all about) and he like to talk to me. I was on the treadmill and he asked me out to dinner (he's married), told me how sexy I was, how he loved natural red heads, invited me to a wine party, told me how sexy I was (with moans and groans), wanted to buy me lotion (GROSS)...and so on and so forth...
Now when I go to the gym I try to avoid him. I know this is horrible, but because of his handicap he can't move very fast so I scurry away from him when I see him. The last couple of days I have been going in the rooms he is not in so I can get my workout in, well, I NEED THE WEIGHT ROOM and he will not get out of there! I am trying to avoid being rude to him and possibly causing a scene (because that would be embarassing), but I NEED TO DO SQUATS, AND ARM WEIGHTS, AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS I DO IN THERE! In the meantime I have been doing my cardio, which has been interrupted due to the magazine falling off on the tread part as I was running...I just got off at that point. And I have been doing ab and inner thigh exercises in the assisted weight room. Yesterday I did this new thing I have been seeing everyone do..I wanted to see what it was. You hold a weight (I did 10lbs) in one hand and lean to that same side multiple times...OUCH!!! This is definitely good for will get rid of your love handles and it helps your abs, but boy am I sore from that. When you are doing it you think, "This can't be doing anything." IT DOES! Believe me!!

So the creep has held me back, the magazine pushed me off...Literally..and I haven't been feeling it as much this week. I don't feel as energized as I have been, but I have pushed myself to go to the gym in the evenings and it feels good once I am done. I just wish that creep would choose another time!

I am hanging in there. My motivation still exists; I just have to pull it out a little more...maybe I can crop myself into a bikini babe and work on ACTUALLY getting there...hmmm. It's an idea. I weigh in next week and I EXPECT good results from myself. It is all up to me, what I do, and how I handle my day to day activities and intake. I'M READY TO WAKE UP!!!!!!!!


  1. Wowzers!! I literally almost spit my apple out that I was chewing, because I was laughing so hard!!!! You just need to do like I told you. I know you don't want to be mean, but just say, "listen, I am here to workout, and I don't have time to talk." Hopefully some other natural red-head who is flattered by his weird and creepy advances will take your place on his roster! You are so funny sometimes!! Don't let him stop you, and way to go for trying new stuff!!! Can't wait until you can show me all those new techniques you will have mastered by then. Proud of you!

  2. Well, avoiding him has helped me to not have to be rude, but the next time he comes up to drill...gotta go!!

  3. Ewww! Can you report him to somebody who works there? At least have a male staff member kind of hanging around when he approaches you? Maybe you could just turn on your iPod or whatever, put the ear plugs in and pretend you don't hear him.

  4. next time he says something to me I will let him know. And I am learning these techniques as I go...I will be happy to share my knowledge.

  5. Lacey, I tried to put my earphones in and he still tries hard to get my attention...I have heard from other people that I am not the only one he talks is getting to the point....I am going to have to do what I have to do...

  6. lol that's hilarious though i'm sorry about your work out time! keep up the good work!

  7. Thanks...maybe I can take you with me Ashley and he can tell you his story this time..haha!

  8. No old creepy guys in Ferrum's gym, just girls.....*rolls eyes*

  9. haha...I feel for you Brooke...there are a few of those at the rec center, but not many. They don't allow college students there. *claps hands and cheers* haha
