Thursday, June 24, 2010


Life is full of obstacles and I do believe coming here to Kentucky has been an obstacle for far as my food choices go. I have had a hard time eating what I am supposed to eat and ONLY that. There are so many new restaurants around here that I want to try...I am tired and "Do I really have to clean that electric skillett again?" sets in...That thing is annoying!!

Well, all my trying new restaurants and tiredness has caught up to me and I have gained some weight...I am not happy with no happy that I am not even going to say how much....anywho...because I gained weight, and I really believe this, I have to have my gallbladder taken out. Now, let me tell you why I think it is because I gained weight....I read it on the internet. haha...No really, I was reading up on the causes of gallbladder problems and one of the reasons was losing weight quickly then gaining weight back. I am blaming the surgery of the removal of one of my organs on my weight gain, my eating, my ice cream, my cakes, my Baconator's from pizza...yeah, I just have a problem...I LOVE FOOD!!! Well, I am living proof, and I have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow to verify my theory, that food can make you unhealthy. It is important to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle. Not only will you live longer, if God sees fit, but you will feel better about yourself and not only go shopping for shoes and purses. When the clothes you were fitting into stop fitting you don't want to buy anything else!

Well, I now HAVE to eat right...I really have no choice, especially if this gallbladder comes out..because after it is out you have to be very cautious of what you take in or you can cause more problems than you had before. Notice I said "if"...yes, I am hopeing after this consultation tomorrow that there will be other options besides having surgery and taking medication for the rest of my life...cause I really hate it (vitamins are enough)...I am hopeing that he says I can eat healthy and maybe cure this diseased gallbladder...Now I know nothing about medicine practices, but I am just hopeing...keeping my fingers crossed...praying for God to give me another chance. I am scared and I do believe I have put myself there...I have to change....for the better.

Pray for me, pray with me....pray I continue to have the strength I need to eat ONLY what I not "think" or "feel" like I am hungry all the time...for an apple to satisfy my chocolate craving...for water to taste OH SO GOOD!! Pray for a positive word from the surgeon tomorrow...Pray that I continue to see what I see today and that I want to make a change..that I WANT to do well for me, for my dad who wants me to have a happy, healthy life....for everyone whom I may be an inspiration to...Pray with me..pray for me....Pray!


  1. Well let me be the first one to say that obstacles happen to all of us in all different kind of forms. I haven't been doing all that great since vacation, food wise, but I am also dealing with a lot of other stuff and STRESS! I think that is the most difficult part to master. When things are going good, you are feeling good about life and yourself, it's really easy to eat that apple. But, when you are freakin' out, all you want is that brownie!! So, when you come up with the magic cure, let me know. Until then, just keep talking and writing about it, and it will eventually turn into doing again. God is good, trust in him to pull you through your apt. I will be praying for your alternative to surgery.
    Love and miss you terribly!!

  2. Thanks and you hit the nail on the head..."apple to brownie"...speaking of brownies...hmm...haha. I know I can do it with God's help and I now know I have to...maybe this was my wake up call, ya know? Thanks for the prayer...I need it.

    Love and miss you terribly as well!!!
