Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well, I had a weigh in today, which I have every week with my Weight Watchers group and even though I said it is not about weight loss (which I still agree) I did say I would probably still post it so I am ....


This is a great feeling, kind of reassuring that you are doing what you are supposed to my case it is to eat healthy, exercise and be accountable for what I do each day. Now I have more of a reason to be accountalbe. Thanks to a good facebook friend, Tessa, I have created a challenge group on facebook called SPREAD THE HEALTH...A CHALLENGE COMMUNITY. This group was created in hopes to do just as it says...spread the health. Today we all take for granted the ease of getting food not taking into account the problems that could cause us health wise in the longrun. In order to live a long life, if God chooses for us to by health, we need to take better care of ourselves. I hope people decide to take on the challenge of creating a challenge for themselves. I feel I am making a difference and this feels great!

Life is changing for me...I hope you choose to change yours as well.

God Bless!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"I DID IT!!!" These 3 little words seemed to be the only words that could go through my head this morning after leaving the gym and heading home to shower. It all seems surreal to me that I made it through an entire month of doing what I put my mind to.

This past month I challenged myself to go to the gym everyday for 30 days and eat healthy. I can say that every day was not an easy one. There were days that I asked myself why in the world I decided to do this and there were other days that I did not want to leave the gym. I feel so accomplished in my efforts because of the many things I have overcome this month. First of all I overcame the fear of "not being able to follow through." All my life I have used many excuses to get out of something either because I was afraid of the outcome or I just didn't think I could. My dad would always tell me that I can do so much more than I think I can. He always tried to instill a positive attitude in me and taught me to go for whatever I can possibly go for and to succeed at it! This challenge was a first step into a new life that I want for myself...a step in living up to what my dad always knew I AM...this is A SUCCESS STORY that I am happy to share.

I posted my challenge on facebook for the world, well my facebook world, to see so therefore I had no excuse...I had to do this! Every day there would be a different picture taken of me; at the park, at the gym, at home-and I would post under the picture what I did that day physically. There was only 1 day that I did not make it to the gym, but I was pretty sick that day. I did want to go so bad, but I knew since I was trying to become healthier that a part of this was to know when to say when. I even worked with a personal trainer this month and that was an experience in itself! SORE was not even a word to describe the pain he put me through, but it was a good pain...another "accomplishment" if you will.

The food choices I made during this 30 day challenge were different that what I had been choosing the past few months, but I was never starving and I ate well!! The past few years I have been trying to lose weight. I have tried counting calories, cutting carbs, getting shots, taking pills and NOTHING had worked…I would always give up because I wasn’t happy with my food choices or the process. I was always focusing on LOSING WEIGHT. I am now on Weight Watchers...yes, another diet plan, but this one is different. I am allowed 29 points per day and everything I eat has a point value. I can have ANYTHING as long as I write it down and put that point on it. That is exactly what I have done this month. I wrote EVERYTHING down and yes, I did have a candy bar here and there..a piece of cake-EVEN A 15 POINT HONEYBUN (one of those endless pit days!), but I was accountable for everything I ate! There was not a time that I said, "Well, I only took a bite so I won't write that down.." I have realized that fruits and vegetable are filling, and these are free on my plan by the way--no point values--so I can have all I want, but we try to limit to 5 a day. What am I getting to? Well, I look at what I am about to eat...I don't count the calories, but I pay attention to what is healthy. That 15 point honey bun, yes, I knew it was bad, but I wanted it, which is something else I learned this month--we cannot deprive ourselves from what we really want. As long as we don't go binging through the kitchen at 9pm on a Wednesday night right before bed when we have to work the next day..or anyday, we will be okay. If I want something really bad, I go for it, but I am accountable for it and, yes, I feel it the next day.

I am not so hard on myself now compared to the way I was when I started this thing. I can't be or I will never achieve my goal. How much weight have I lost or how many inches have I lost?? I don't know. I will not be posting this. I do weigh in every week at WW and the scale has not been moving much, I will say that, but it is not about the weight to me right now. I do have a goal I want to reach, but I have to take care of ME first and by continuing to do this I will get there, but there is no rush. I will occasionally post about my actual weight loss, I am sure, but I think this is why so many diets fail; everyone watches the scale and when it doesn't move they get frustrated (which I have, recently actually). I know my body and what it has done. I have toned up by doing cardio and weights. My face has slimmed down. I am more awake than what I would be if I ate unhealthy every day. I enjoy my meals because I don't worry where those 8 grams of fat in my lean cuisine pizza will go anymore. I LOVE the gym! I love learning more and more about health and I LOVE motivating people!

This challenge has not only improved myself and the way I think, but I have helped others. I have been a motivator without even knowing it at the time. When I received the messages about the motivation I was sending out I got tears in my eyes. This made me feel incredible! This was NEVER a goal of mine when I started this, but now I have made it a daily goal--I will continue to try to motivate however I can. I want people to look to me for advice, for help...for whatever and whenever. I LOVE helping people and to know that I did just by posting my "healthy way of living" pictures everyday...WOW!

Right now I am continuing to focus on myself to get me where I want to be, to be happy with me, but I am currently trying to think of something else to challenge myself at. I have a few things in mind, but nothing to post on facebook yet..haha. Any ideas??

My advice for you is to challenge yourself…start with a weak area of your life and work on it, build on it..You never know what will happen in the end until you succeed!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It Takes Time

Life has its ups and downs. At the moment my ups and downs are defined by my weight. I have tried many diets...done lots of exercise and nothing has ever seemed to stay with me or work. I would get into exercising and then get sick..have surgery..the weather would keep me from getting to the gym-it seems like anything and everything would get in my way and push me back. I would soon end up back where I started...feeling fat, uncomfortable, depressed and I wanted to give up.

It wasn't long ago that I decided to make a decision for my life and what I would soon know, for others as well.  I decided that only I can do this. Only I can make myself happy whether I be fat or skinny. My decision was none of the above. Surprised? Well, I made a different decision. I decided I wanted to be healthy. I want to live a happy and healthy life and a long one if God chooses that for me. I want to motivate others and with what I have done so far I feel I am at the start of doing what I put my mind to.

In February I started Weight Watchers. The first week I had to go out of town for my job and eat out for every meal. Needless to say I gained a little over 2 pounds that week. After that it was on! I started the plan full force and I have cheated here and there, who doesn't? But I feel more free with my meal choices and I am happier than I have been in a while trying to "diet".

March 1st I decided to challenge myself...step it up a bit. I posted this on Facebook for accountability because I needed motivation for myself and letting the Facebook world in on this I felt I couldn't give up. I have posted a picture everyday since the first about my activity for that day...even worked with a personal trainer. My body has been toning up, I can tell but the weight hasn't been falling off which has been discouraging. At times when it was time to weigh in I wanted to scream because that number was not what I wanted to see. I then step back and look at what I have been I have improved my life with food, exercise and how I have motivated others with what I have been doing and I know I can't stop now. God has given me the chance to take care of me and prove to others I CAN!

So many people have told me how much I have motivated them and that feeling is phenomenal! I pray God continues to give me this strength and drive to take care of myself and the knowledge to teach others how to do the same. I have a friend, Michelle who is also doing weight watchers and we motivate one another when life isn't so much the life we ask for. This summer we will both be out of town for work but thankfully we will be working together. We will help one another...share recipies...cook together...exercise together and even have our occasional "bad food" nights together and I can't wait. It is important to have support in areas of your life where you are not the strongest and with friends like Michelle and family I know I won't fail.

I love being a motivator and I love this journey I am taking to get enjoy this picture of my 5 point banana pudding! Ah! The sweet things in life!