Tuesday, March 30, 2010


For those of you who do not know what ketosis is...let me explain.
"Ketones are produced by the liver from fatty acids, which result from the breakdown of body fat in response to the absense of glucose/sugar." (Taken from my book given to me by the weigh station.) The diet I am on requires you to be in ketosis. For the first two days of this diet I ate nothing but lean and very lean protein...that's right-No Veggies, No Fruit...nothing but protein. By eating nothing but protein and not having any carbs or sugar in your diet your body goes into "ketosis" state. At that point you can add some fruits and veggies to your diet. (We find out if we are in ketosis or not by peeing on ketostix every morning)

I checked yesterday morning...not in ketosis.

I checked this morning...not in ketosis.

The doctors have told me that you can sometimes go out of ketosis and be fine and that some people never go into ketosis but are still losing fat and inches so they assume the diet is working. I just feel more comfortable about what I am doing, since this isn't easy anyway, knowing I am in ketosis. For that reason, today is a protein only day. For breakfast I had a hard boiled egg (Very Lean protein), a piece of turkey sausage (lean protein because it is processed) and water. For lunch I am having 2 oz tuna (very lean), and 1/2 cup cottage cheese (very lean). This may sound gross to some, but to me I am okay. I don't have a problem with it; I just want to know I am losing although I have done nothing wrong.

Something good did happen this morning that made me smile. Well, my pants have been rather tight the past few weeks, loosining up as time goes, but I had this one pair that I had gotten from New York and Company that I loved. When I got them they were a bit tight, then I ate more and they got even tighter, to where I would not even wear them. This morning I decided to put them on and wouldn't you know that before long I won't even be able to wear them cause they are LOOSE!! I was able to look nice and springy today with my shirt that Michelle gave me here while back that I wore once when we went out (hadn't been able to wear it because it has been tight, today it is LOOSE!) and my NYC jeans with my little while see through shoes and of course, my tan. I feel better than ever, but I am not done yet. I am starting to worry though about my clothes...if everything starts getting to big what am I going to do?? I can't go buy a closet full of new clothes....EEK! (but I'm not complaining)

If you know anyone or if you have any springy summer clothes that you may want to give away I will gladly accept...At the start of this diet I was uncomfortable in my XL shirts and now I am into mediums feeling great. My pants were up to 14-16 and a little snug...I am not sure what size, but I do have a pair of 11's I wore over the weekend...I am so excited to see how much more weight I am going to drop...I'm loving it!!!

One more thing....I AM GETTING A MUSCLE IN MY ARMS!!!!


  1. This is a great post! Go protein!! And, the picture looks great! I decided to wear a light sweater today because it was cold and windy as crap, but I'm feeling super tan today and super lean!! I got home after the tanning bed last night, and as usual, Houdini was licking my lotion off. But, the point is, I was looking so dark! I can't wait to wear dresses this weekend! We definately have this in the bag!!!!!!

  2. Thanks and yes...Go Protein!! Thanks for the compliment. I am feeling tan..I was looking at myself last night and was like...ummm...maybe I should slow down....But not yet..haha. I want to wear my cute little dress so bad...so excited for it. Gotta figure out the shoes to go with it...Finally! I get to show off my pedicure!

  3. Whooo....lookin' sassy lady!
